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Digestion in a jar – Time to SHIME®

In 2008, UGent spin-off ProDigest opened its doors. The company was built around a machine called the SHIME®, an in vitro model for the entire human gastrointestinal tract, complete with stomach and small and large intestines. The immediate interest from the food industry quickly made ProDigest a household name in its niche market. Since its establishment, ProDigest has significantly expanded its technology and activities and has taken on the pharmaceutical and veterinarian industries as additional partners.
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In 2008, UGent spin-off ProDigest opened its doors. The company was built around a machine called the SHIME®, an in vitro model for the entire human gastrointestinal tract, complete with stomach and small and large intestines. The immediate interest from the food industry quickly made ProDigest a household name in its niche market. Since its establishment, ProDigest has significantly expanded its technology and activities and has taken on the pharmaceutical and veterinarian industries as additional partners.