Aerosol therapy is an important aspect of respiratory care. The drug-delivery efficiency depends on the deposition of the aerosol particles in the lungs of the patients. Unfortunately, lung deposition can be as low as only 10 to 15% of the total, nominal dose.
Determining the deposition characteristics of inhaled drugs is often very challenging for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Several factors such as disease severity, the inhalation device and the way the patient is breathing influences where and how much inhaled particles end up in the lungs.
FLUIDDA launches the BRONCHOLAB platform providing researchers and clinicians an unparalleled view into the dynamics of the inhaled particles. BRONCHOLAB allows for optimization of the drug formulations and inhalation devices for certain diseases and patient types. Click here to download a 3D-animation visualising the aerosol deposition as a function of the patient’s breathing pattern.