Multiplicom releases two new kits for the screening of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. In addition to the tests for BRCA1 and BRCA2 released in 2012, Multiplicom’s novel assays include a comprehensive 26 gene panel. It allows for a complete germline mutation analysis, including duplications and deletions, determining the risk for breast, ovarian and other hereditary cancers. This is Multiplicom responce to the growing evidence that additional genes carry an increased cancer risks.
The second kit has been specially designed to enable the molecular pathology laboratories to perform testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in tumor biopsy material – including formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue. This is an essential test, in the advent of new treatment options in ovarian cancer using PARP-inhibitors.
Supportive study data for the BRCA Hereditary Cancer MASTR™ Plus kit and the BRCA Tumor MASTR™ Plus kit was presented during the European Human Genetics Conference in Glasgow, June 6 -9.