New spin-off AmplyCell to boost antibody production

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AmplyCell is the first spin-off from the College of the Province of Liege. This service company has developed an innovative advanced technology, based on “cellular fitness”. The technology allows boosting and optimizing the yield of cells to enhance antibody production and is useful for companies active in the field of diagnostics and pharmaceutical development.

“Our technology allows to optimize the development of therapeutic antibodies,” says Geoffrey Holsbeek, CEO of AmplyCell. “The mission of AmplyCell is to give access to patients to effective and inexpensive diagnostic tools; for example a diagnostic kit consisting of test strips that have to be dipped in urine. These strips contain antibodies that can detect a wide range of infections. However, the organisms, which are producing these antibodies, are extremely fragile. We help pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies to boost the “fitness” and hence the productivity of the cells they are working with. AmplyCell provides solutions to produce specific molecules cheaper and more easily.”

AmplyCell is supported by WBC. WBC helps to structure and grow science and technology projects in the Walloon region.