MATWIN – Maturation & accelerating translation with industry – is a nationwide service platform unique in Europe that supports the maturation of research projects in oncology up to the pre-clinical proof of concept. The International Board of MATWIN meets once a year to audition the best selected projects, make recommendations and award those it considers to have the greatest potential for development. MATWIN thus helps promoting French research by furthering innovation and public-private partnerships. The organization is supported by eleven of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies (AstraZeneca, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Roche, Sanofi) and by the French Cancéropôles network.
The Board brings together academic Key Opinion Leaders in oncology from the largest research institutes in Europe and international leaders of R & D Oncology departments from MATWIN’s partner pharmaceutical companies. For the first time this year, MATWIN also invited two representatives of venture capital funds (Kurma Partners and Sofinnova Partners) to participate in its Board.
“We are very pleased that the MATWIN international board has awarded PDC*Line Pharma with the prize of Most Promising Project,” comments CEO Eric Halioua. “The prize is a clear confirmation of the value of our project and development plan.”
PDC*Line Pharma is a young company working on a new line of cancer immunotherapy. Their proprietary cell line of dendritic cells is incredibly effective in eliciting an immune response from T-cells and priming them to attack cancer cells.
PDC*Line Pharma was featured in the BioVox white paper on cancer immunotherapy. For more info on the company and the field of immuno-oncology, click here.