Andy Furniere

In the last decade, there has been a growing interest in the potential of microbiome-based therapeutics: using gut bacteria as a medication to battle a wide array of diseases. Ghent-based start-up MRM Health is an important innovator in this growing field, building on the expertise of sister company ProDigest and of prominent partners such as VIB and DuPont Nutrition Biosciences. In the coming months, MRM Health is starting clinical trials for a drug candidate for ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Prof. Kevin Verstrepen, of the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology, has received a prestigious ERC Proof of Concept grant for the SUPERYEAST project. The goal is to develop industrial yeast strains that are easier to grow, which would increase the efficiency and sustainability of processes in a whole array of sectors. Notably, the research could enhance the production of fermented beverages like beer and wine, foods including bread and chocolate, and fuels like bioethanol.
The Walloon region is taking major steps towards becoming an important player in the business of plant-based proteins. In the next few months, two of the region’s public investment funds, Sogepa and SRIW, plan to establish a start-up company in this booming field. In the long term, the goal is to create an entire ecosystem around the use of plant proteins as meat replacements, benefiting the economy, health and sustainability of the whole area.
A Belgian invention is revolutionizing cancer diagnostics for dogs by making it possible to screen for two common canine cancers with a simple, low-cost blood test. The innovation was developed by the Belgian subsidiary of Volition, a multinational company listed on the New York stock exchange. The company is also developing human blood tests for use in oncology as well as a number of other diseases including COVID-19.