Marjoke Le Roy

Like two sides of the same coin, industry and academia are each aiming to progress science. On their own, they accomplish great results, but only together can they really drive innovation. One way to reap the fruits from this partnership are endowed chairs. By exchanging resources and independence for publicity and innovative insights, both can contribute to a happier and healthier society.
As 2025 comes peeking around the corner, we invite you to look back with us at some of the most exciting science topics we covered this year. From advances in women’s health, organoids, and organ-on-a-chip models to the challenges of data science and innovations in animal science and sustainable biotech; let us walk you through the Benelux life sciences landscape of 2024 as we reflect on the vast amount of knowledge and know-how characteristic to this region.
Data science is vastly changing the way we do research. Veterinary research is, however, still lagging behind its human counterpart. Why is this the case and can we learn from human health data to close this gap?
Would you like the opportunity to explore your genetic predispositions? Genetic testing can be empowering, helping you to make informed decisions about your healthcare. But using DNA analysis to diagnose and predict certain health conditions calls for trained genetic professionals to explain complex results, answer lingering questions and provide emotional support to people, especially when they’re receiving unexpected news. Genetic counselors are an important link in this chain, but their crucial healthcare role is yet to be recognized in Belgium.
In a hospital, numerous single-use masks, gloves, syringes, and more are thrown away every day to safeguard patients. However, this linear supply chain leaves a large footprint and can have negative effects on our environment and public health. It seems that the road to achieving sustainable healthcare is not straightforward, but circular.
An ageing population comes with multiple challenges. Diseases affecting older populations are becoming more prevalent shifting the focus of our healthcare systems. One of the most debilitating is Alzheimer’s disease. Although there is currently no cure, groundbreaking research is expanding our knowledge, giving hope to patients.
Children increasingly seek the comfort and entertainment of television, tablets and smartphones rather than playing outside. This reduction in physical activity has accelerated over the last few decades and has detrimental effects for children later in life. They are the future, so studying their development and lifestyle gives us a forecast of where we are heading. Are we moving towards a sedentary population? And if so, how can we alter our course?
Training session after training session, top athletes must push themselves to the limits to test their bodies. Although pain is a clear emergency signal, athletes in pain may push themselves even further. This makes them vulnerable to injuries and severe pain conditions including acute and chronic lower back pain. Although there are several treatment options to alleviate the symptoms, the treatment of acute and chronic pain is not straightforward. A multidisciplinary approach is required, and more treatment options are needed that focus on treating the underlying cause.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have great potential to improve people’s lives. From supporting data analysis in research to providing more accurate and quicker diagnostic tools. But their interior workings are questioned by many and understood by few. New models are needed to solve current shortcomings and causal AI might be our way out. By offering a peek inside the black box, it creates opportunities to implement AI in high-risk settings such as healthcare. But how far along are we and where is this journey taking us?
At the heart of Europe, Benelux is like a drop of ink spreading its influence internationally; an in-depth study conducted by KBC Securities placed Belgium as Europe’s leading country for biotech in 2024. This year's edition of Knowledge for Growth, hosted by the life sciences cluster celebrating their 20th anniversary, highlighted the vibrant Flemish life sciences ecosystem. The event took place in Antwerp, Belgium on May 15th and 16th, where industry professionals, scientists, investors, policymakers, and more gathered to share their knowledge and insights and answer why the region of Flanders, and the Benelux overall, are doing so well in this vibrant landscape.