Liesbeth Demuyser

The application of data science in the early stages of drug development is not new – progress in algorithms and computing power has been ongoing for years. We have reached the point where we have to reflect on the road travelled and look forward to upcoming opportunities and challenges. To further pave the way and reach the top in health data science, stakeholders will have to find each other and work together. Once everyone is on board, data science knows no bounds!
The microbiome has been a trending scientific topic in recent years. Researchers have uncovered correlations between the human microbiome and a wide range of diseases and health states, ranging from digestive issues to mental wellbeing. But no matter how fascinating these academic findings may be, translating them into concrete clinical applications remains a challenge. How can we enable more efficient clinical valorization of microbiome insights, and pave the way from pattern to patient?
Data science is booming, including in the healthcare sector. However, in order to extract insights and benefits from our health data, we first have to build a solid system for structural data processing and management. To frame the needs for healthcare data reuse in Belgium, Inovigate has united stakeholders and summarized their recommendations in two white papers.