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Science for health 2023

Science for health 2023 – Biology meets technology On 28 November 2023 at SQUARE Brussels, Science for health will explore inspiring innovations at the interface of

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Diverse group of young professionals

Career opportunities in the life sciences industry

The pharma, biotech and medtech industries offer a wealth of job and career opportunities, but recent graduates and early-career professionals are often unaware of the many options available to them in the life sciences. This article briefly overviews the many job possibilities in the industry, including a link to a recently published book for those wanting an insider’s guide to further employment prospects.

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Health data standards
Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine

Unlocking the potential of patient data using healthcare data standards

Patient data can be extremely helpful for improving health. If properly utilized, valuable insights can be generated, leading to better care for all. To do this, we need a way to overcome the incompatibility of information systems used by different healthcare providers, so that we are able to conduct large-scale research projects using data from multiple sources. The key to this lies in implementing data standards, such as OMOP and FHIR – specific methods developed for the storage, sharing, and interpretation of healthcare data.

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Ajit Shetty

Dr. Ajit Shetty: breaking down barriers in the life sciences

A veteran of the life sciences industry, Dr. Ajit Shetty continues to have a huge impact on the ecosystem both in Belgium and abroad. Several years after his retirement from top positions in Janssen Pharmaceutica & Johnson and Johnson (as Chair and previously as Managing Director), Shetty is still actively involved in the industry. Awarded the title of Baron by King Albert II of Belgium in 2008 for his services to the sector, and the recipient of Trends ‘Manager of the Year 2004’ and the Life-Time Achievement Award by India (his country of birth), Shetty is a living legend who is still busy shaping the world’s future.

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Corda Campus

International pharmaceutical consultant Amador Bioscience picks Belgium for its first European base

For its first European base, pharmaceutical consultant Amador Bioscience has chosen to set up shop in Limburg province, Belgium. The company, which already had branches in the United States and China, was attracted to Hasselt because of the proximity of the University of Hasselt (UHasselt), which has a strong reputation in biostatistics. In the coming years, Amador Bioscience is looking to hire 120 biostatisticians and biomedical engineers at its Belgian site.

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Belgium has all the ingredients to be number one for real-world data in healthcare

Belgium is home to one of the world’s strongest health clusters and has long been ranked as the best country in the EU for clinical trials. However, if Belgium is to maintain this attractive clinical trial environment – and its quality healthcare system – the country needs to improve its position regarding the reuse of health data for research. BioVox spoke with Ingrid Maes from Inovigate about an upcoming report on Belgium’s real-world data initiatives and legislation, and how the country compares with the rest of Europe.

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Doctor holding out hand with data

Knowledge for Growth insights on sharing health data

Knowledge for Growth is Belgium’s largest life sciences conference, and with a mix of thought leaders from across the ecosystem, always has a finger on the pulse of current topics. This year, the event focused heavily on data science, with a range of keynote talks and sessions dedicated to the important topic. One of the afternoon panels in particular, Understanding Data, held a lot of insights from Liesbet Peeters (Prof. Biomedical Data Sciences at Hasselt University) and Bart Vannieuwenhuyse (Data Sciences Lead at Janssen Benelux Campus).

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Gabriel Chodick

Maccabi safely unlocks a treasure trove of health data for research insights

Progress in the use of patient healthcare data is going slow for most countries, but some are racing ahead and setting the bar high. In Israel, the healthcare provider Maccabi has developed a system where researchers can access decades of medical records without compromising patient privacy. This incredible trove of medical data has given rise to groundbreaking academic and industry research, improving the lives of people around the world.

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Science for health 2021

The second edition of Science for health will take place as a hybrid event on 19 November 2021, highlighting personalized medicine and how big data

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Soy in 1000 gardens: citizen science project to map soil microbes in Flanders

Good science takes many hands. In the case of a new citizen science project by VIB, UGent, ILVO, KU Leuven, the hands they were after were green-thumbed individuals in Flanders. The institutes have recruited gardeners to plant soybeans, in the hope of identifying microbial species in soils across Flanders that promote the growth of the vital crop. The ultimate aim is to increase sustainable soy production in the region.

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Press release

Montis Biosciences appoints René Hoet as Chief Scientific Officer

Leuven, Belgium, 31 March 2021 – MONTIS BIOSCIENCES, a discovery stage biotech company focused on the development of novel immuno-oncology therapeutics targeting the interactions between perivascular macrophages and the tumor vasculature, appoints René Hoet, Ph.D. as its Chief Scientific Officer. Dr Hoet brings extensive experience in antibody drug discovery and development, through his international career in Biotech and Pharma.

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