PharmaFluidics Announces Ultra-Sensitive Second Generation µPAC™ Technology for Unbiased Single Cell Proteomics

Micro-chip based µPAC™ LC columns – key component in Vienna IMP study measuring the proteome at picogram level Ghent, Belgium, 15 February 2021 – PharmaFluidics NV, innovative life sciences instruments player, is excited to announce that researchers of Karl Mechtler’s Group at the Research Institute for Molecular Pathology in Vienna have integrated its ultra-sensitive second […]

Combining disciplines for a simple sampling solution

Novosanis have been able to achieve great success with their clever yet simple urine sampling solution Colli-Pee®, largely thanks to their multidisciplinary approach to product development. We spoke with Novosanis CEO Vanessa Vankerckhoven about the company’s interesting origin story.

Betting big on blood screens for early cancer detection

This article was authored by Ward Capoen from V-Bio Ventures.  The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) just held their annual gathering in Chicago. The event coincided with some interesting new developments in the field of early cancer detection, as well as news of significant new investments in the oncology space. A lot of advances […]

New laser-based medical device revolutionizes cardiovascular disease diagnosis

Imec and Ghent University have developed a unique photonic-based medical device for the screening of arterial stiffness and the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. The brainchild of researchers from imec and Ghent University, the low-cost and portable device was made a reality by medical tech company Medtronic and partners from CARDIS (a Horizon 2020 project). The […]

A handheld cardiac monitor that can save lives

Chest pain is a known symptom of blocked cardiac arteries, and urgent medical care is essential to improve health outcomes. However, patients often fail to seek help because they are hesitant to bother others and do not believe their symptoms are serious. A team of physicians led by Dr. Peter Gheeraert at Ghent University has […]

Diagnosing rare genetic conditions within minutes

Moon is a new software package that, within minutes, diagnoses patients who suffer from rare diseases. All the software requires are the patient’s symptoms and sequencing data. Moon then applies artificial intelligence to find the causal mutation. This software is the first of its kind on the market. Moon is developed by the Leuven-based company […]

Watch out for Lyme disease!

Summer is coming, it’s getting warmer, and you’re planning on outdoor activities. Unfortunately, ticks are getting out there as well, and your chances of being bitten are rising. Ticks can cause Lyme disease. Sometimes, the acute infection is missed, remains untreated and evolves into post-Lyme disorder. We interviewed Kenny De Meirleir, an MD who is […]

Stop eye-balling MRI scans

Up to 1 billion people in the world suffer from neurological disorders. Currently, many brain scans are still evaluated by visual inspection. Quantification of different biomarkers in these brain scans can improve diagnosis, patient monitoring and, eventually, patient outcome. The Leuven-based company Icometrix provides software to bring quantification of brain scans into clinical trials and clinical practice. We should stop eye-balling images of brain scans and step into the world of quantitative analysis.

MyCartis barcodes biological samples

MyCartis is an early-stage company that was founded in September 2014 when Pronota (Ghent, Belgium) and the Biocartis Evalution Business unit (Lausanne, Switzerland) joined forces.  This was an ideal match, as Pronota was developing biomarker panels for a range of diseases and Biocartis was producing a multiplex platform to evaluate such biomarkers. MyCartis further develops this […]

Grail: A billion-dollar gamble?

Grail has vowed to change the field of cancer diagnostics via simple blood tests and ctDNA analysis. Their Big Data approach, in which the company will build an atlas of DNA found in the blood, convinced major investors, such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, of the technology’s potential. A whopping $1 billion was gathered in the company’s series B financing round. Yet, do Grail and its technology deserve this huge ticket?

A guinea pig: your perfect partner to produce monoclonal antibodies

SynAbs is a young UCL spin-off company, founded in September 2015 with the support of Walloon life science incubator WBC, UCL’s tech transfer office LTTO and the French investment group Biotech Investissement. As a producer of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), SynAbs is dedicated to bringing innovative concepts to the R&D and IVD markets. Next to conventional […]

Alzheimer’s, ALS or a brain injury: ADx neurosciences knows how to tackle it

ADx NeuroSciences might be described best as the Intel of biomarker assays for neuro-degenerative disease. They don’t create complete kits, but their top-notch biomaterials are included in the assays detecting disorders from Alzheimer’s disease to ALS to traumatic brain injury. Over the years, ADx has created an extensive network of partners and by combining knowledge […]