Biocartis takes on lung cancer

A first case of colistin resistance has been described in the US. This is troubling news, since colistin is used as a last-resort drug in combating infections with highly antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The intensive use of colistin in the pork industry, mainly in China, is suspected to have caused the development of this resistance. Now, the trait is spreading rapidly; does this herald the beginning of a post-antibiotics era?
The continuous flow in jet-induced fountains inspired Nourredine Frid, CEO at Cardiatis (Isnes), to apply the theory of fluid mechanics to blood vessels. By converting [...]
Each one of us carries trillions and trillions of 'bugs', as Jeroen Raes (Group Leader at Bioinformatics and (eco-)systems biology lab, VIB/VUB/KU Leuven) likes to call them —micro-organisms that live in our bodies and make up the so-called microbiome, or gut flora. While these microbes have been linked to different diseases, information about which factors in a healthy individual’s diet and lifestyle affect the microbiome has remained elusive. What is the potential of the microbiota as a diagnostic solution at this time? Can we manipulate it to prevent diseases and use it to influence drug sensitivity? What are the challenges in the microbiomics field? Will we be able to develop targeted, even personalized probiotics? Is there a hype surrounding microbiomics that the public, scientists and communicators must take into account when evaluating its recent advances and future possibilities?