While the life sciences environment is adjusting to be able to foster female talents in the workplace, there is still a long way to go to achieve truly egalitarian work conditions. From the ‘motherhood penalty’ to unconscious bias, women can still be made to feel unwelcome in their daily work life. This is what motivated Veroniek Vermeulen to launch Silatha, a company with the goal of creating an environment where everyone can thrive.
STEM has had a long reputation of being a masculine environment, though recent efforts have made this field much more accessible to all genders. Our gender can influence both the external factors and internal methods affecting how we work.
The pursuit of scientific knowledge is at the heart of human progress – it leads to ground-breaking discoveries that have transformed our understanding of the world and our place within it. However, this noble pursuit is not without its blemishes. Scientific fraud – the deliberate misrepresentation of data or results to deceive the scientific community – poses a serious threat to the integrity of the scientific enterprise in both academia and industry. So, what can we do about it?
Stepping into the role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the first time can be a daunting prospect. In the biotech industry, the journey is marked by a unique set of hurdles, from scientific complexities, to regulatory intricacies, finance, HR, and interactions with a wide range of stakeholders. In this dynamic landscape, the role of the Chair of the Board of Directors becomes pivotal. The Chair is well-positioned to empower and support first-time CEOs, but good synergy between the duo is paramount for success.
As a CDMO in the life science industry, Unitron has a focus on the development and manufacturing of “electronics-inside” medical devices and the associated regulatory trajectory. The journey from innovative ideas to successful products are often bumpy and filled with challenges. Having a good understanding of this process and managing it well will boost your chances of success.
It’s been a Barbie world this summer with crowds of pink-clad moviegoers flooding the cinemas. Simultaneously, we’ve been witnessing a rush of ‘pink’ fundraising for women’s health start-ups. From pre-clinical to clinical: more companies are entering the field and developing solutions for women’s unique needs. But is their focus broad and innovative enough? And are pharma companies paying attention?
New advances in the life sciences shouldn’t be kept in the dark. Whether you are an academic publishing a paper, a researcher with a breakthrough drug, or an entrepreneur with the next big biotech innovation, you want to reach your audience and achieve your goals. However, it can be hard to know how to go about it. So let’s break it down and examine some of the key considerations for impactful science communication.
After an exceptional sequence of socio-economic shocks over the past few years, the number of new companies being formed in key European biotech hubs has stalled. Early-stage investors need to roll up their sleeves and help to crank the engine of EU innovation back to life.
In the battle against the climate crisis, precision fermentation presents a hopeful aid. Using microbes to create valuable materials, we can help to transform the global economy and shift away from harmful agricultural and industrial practices. However, despite the support of industry and Venture Capital cash, this field still faces many challenges. Though promising, we need further investment in this innovative technology before it can fully deliver on its potential for sustainable solutions.
The recent approval of the obesity and diabetes drugs Wegovy, Ozempic, and Mounjaro has brought about big headlines, but are these treatments also leading to a shift in our perception of obesity? Obesity has long been seen as a failure of individual willpower, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that losing and keeping off the kilos is a more complex, biological challenge. These new drugs offer a first, rather simplistic solution to a complicated problem, yet perhaps they will lead to a much-needed revolution in how obesity is viewed and treated.
The pharma, biotech and medtech industries offer a wealth of job and career opportunities, but recent graduates and early-career professionals are often unaware of the many options available to them in the life sciences. This article briefly overviews the many job possibilities in the industry, including a link to a recently published book for those wanting an insider’s guide to further employment prospects.
Silicon Valley investment gurus have long promoted the idea that startups should ‘fake it till you make it’ to become successful. The infamous fall of Theranos is a perfect showcase of how this attitude can turn into a disaster. We take a closer look at this philosophy of exaggeration and weigh up the merits of ‘fact vs. fiction’ when life sciences entrepreneurs are dealing with potential investors.
Patient data can be extremely helpful for improving health. If properly utilized, valuable insights can be generated, leading to better care for all. To do this, we need a way to overcome the incompatibility of information systems used by different healthcare providers, so that we are able to conduct large-scale research projects using data from multiple sources. The key to this lies in implementing data standards, such as OMOP and FHIR – specific methods developed for the storage, sharing, and interpretation of healthcare data.
Nicky Deasy is Co-Founder and former Managing Partner at The Yield Lab Europe, one of the largest early-stage venture capital funds in the EU focused on the intersection of sustainability and agtech. Since stepping back from the day-to-day running of the fund, she is an Investment Committee Member at biotope by VIB, as well as advising a number of startups and investment funds focused on improving the environmental and carbon footprint of the agrifood industry. She shares her thoughts on how innovative ag- and food-tech startups can help us tackle climate change.
Bankruptcy, closures, and layoffs – oh my! But it’s not all doom and gloom for the biotech boom. Innovation is still in demand, and although the VC landscape is changing, companies are still able to find funds.